Well, it's that time again. Team cat has finished Anime Nebraskon in style and we're winding down before we contemplate adding another convention to the roster for next year. I did pretty well this year. not as well as last year but still good enough by my standards. Nebraskon was a lot of fun and I met some pretty cool people, got to talk to a couple of people I already knew and even got to chat with some people I didn't get the chance to last year. I seem to be making all sorts of friends in the convention community and that's pretty cool. This year Nebraskon put the vendors in a different room that had more access for setting up and tearing down. It was on the other end of the convention hotel but I liked it because it was seriously just down the hall from our hotel room. No long walks for me this year. I didn't like the fact that since the pool area became a walking path people took it to mean "PARTY OVER HERE!" Yeah talk about a pain in the but hearing loud music and rowdiness when you are trying to unwind from a day of working. We were approached by a few other conventions asking us to come to there con and we're thinking out doing the one in July that's also in Nebraska.
In other cool trip news we found a gr eat all you can eat sushi place that is now going to be a new tradition every year. It's on the other end of Omaha but well worth it. I'm already looking forward to going next year. Along that line I am reminded I need to actually post my stuff on etsy unlike last year. I also need to work year round instead of waiting last minute and not having any time for anything but crafting. I'm going to start getting my life and work straightened out more so I'm not so rushed or stressed because this year was so bad that I got a cold sore a week before the con and my left eye was almost always twitching because I was majorly stressed. I'm also going to start making more things with my embroidery machine. Might as well make some really cool things with it since I paid so much for it. Oh and I also plan to get a hold of the person who runs Italy Ava here in town about them selling things for me too. I figure get my name out there enough and soon this will become my full time job. I don't even know what else to say right now but I do know that I have to go and get some other stuff done so I'll keep you all updated soon.
Peace, Love and Happy Crafting.