I'm referring to my trip to MN about 6 weeks ago. As most of you know I had an art exhibit that went on until March 2nd in Marshall, MN. I now live in WA and had to fly back to set up the exhibit and be there for my reception. Over the week I was in Marshall I celebrated my 30th birthday with a couple of friends. It was a great trip. I got to see several friends that I hadn't seen for 3 months and we had a blast. I was really excited to see all of my costumes set up. It made me fully appreciate all the work I've put in them. Normally I complain about the flaws in my work but seeing them all set up just made me so proud of all of it. Since returning home I have taken a break from sewing and I'm finally back in the mood to sew. I also started taking a sewing class to learn more construction techniques and make my costumes better. The class has even taught me better fitting and finishing techniques. It has really made me excited to start new costumes. Later this week I'll post pictures from my exhibit for all of you to see. I hope to start filming tutorials again too. I look forward to bringing more crafting to you guy. Until next time.
Peace, Love and Happy Crafting