Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sorry for the delay

I'm sorry for that I didn't post the next day. Life has sort of gotten away from me lately. I'm working on crafts, ordering materials for stuff I'm going to be selling at Nebraskon and I'm a guild leader in World of Warcraft. I recently had to become the hated person on WoW by some so most of the other guildies could be happier. My cool crafting news is I got my plushie fabric last week.I was going to post pics but my camera is burning through batteries before I can get any decent ones and my phone has such a week camera. I'm still waiting on the cuff links I ordered. I am planning on getting nickel free adjustable rings too. I'm allergic to nickel as are many others so I figured that would be a great way to make some cool rings that are cost effective. I have also been working on some charms to turn into earrings and necklaces. This year I will have a wide variety of things for people to buy. I'm still having issues with the Maya cat I'm working on. Hypnotoad is on the back burner with the head crabs. I'll be testing out Mini Moose soon so let's hope I don't have to go back to the drawing board with that one. Hopefully I can get pics up of all the work I have been doing and all the neat things that come to me in the mail.

Peace, Love and Happy Crafting

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