Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Unexplainable illness

I have been suffering with my seasonal allergies for the past few weeks. At least I get a slight break when it's rainy for a few days. Sadly my 6 year old is ill. He threw up 4 times right after a nap Sunday afternoon and then again while in bed Sunday night. He got himself up this morning so I didn't know he had thrown up overnight until my husband went to put him in bed tonight(yes I realize it's technically Tuesday but I feel it's not the next morning until you go to bed or the sun comes up...which ever comes first). I wish I knew what was wrong with him. All he tells me is he is fine. Is father did the same thing when he was a kid. Hopefully he is better soon. At least he doesn't have school right now. I have some crafting news but I will save that for tomorrow.

Peace, Love and Happy crafting.

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